Yusuf bin Ishak, the first President of Singapore, was born in 1910, Padang Gajah, Perak, to civil servant Ishak bin Ahmad, Yusuf Ishak rose from humble beginnings to become the first Malayan-born Yang Di-Pertuan Negara on 3rd December 1959 and subsequently, as President of the Republic of Singapore on 9th August 1965. In his 11 years as Head of State and President, Yusuf Ishak dedicated his life and efforts to the service of his nation and people and provided the moral courage and leadership during the difficult early years of nation-building.
The eldest of nine children, Yusuf Ishak in his youth displayed sterling qualities that marked him for high office in later life. At school, Yusuf Ishak was an exceptional student, excelling in both his studies and sports. At Victoria Bridge School (now Victoria School), Yusuf topped the 1927 Cambridge School Certificate with Distinction. At Raffles Institution, Yusuf again scored Distinctions for the Senior Cambridge exams. On the basis of his results, he was admitted into the Queen's scholarship class - one of the 13 and the only Malay.In sports, Yusuf Ishak proved himself above others. He represented RI in several events: hockey, cricket, swimming, waterpolo, basketball, boxing and weightlifting. He won the Aw Boon Par cup for boxing in 1932 and in 1933, became the national Lightweight weight-lifting champion. He was in the Scouts and a school prefect too. Yusuf Ishak went on to become the first student in the history of the National Cadet Corps to be made (junior) 2nd Lieutenant. Yusuf was an outstanding individual. As historian Melanie Chew writes in her biography on President Yusuf Ishak, "(he) was already showing a sense of mission, which was to become his life's greatest achievement. For he was gradually breaking free of a racial stereotype, and proving to his fellow students, and the world around him, that a Malay of common birth was just as intelligent, industrious, and capable as a person of any other race."
It was in RI that the seeds of his mission were first planted. He was the co-editor of the Rafflesian magazine and co-authored an excellent article on the history of RI. Upon graduation, Yusuf stepped into the world of journalism. He first joined a sports magazine, The Sportsman, started by a few of his former schoolmates. Later, he joined Warta Melayu, a leading Malay newspaper in those days and quickly rose to become its Assistant Manager. But the yearning to start a newspaper, "owned by Malays, run by Malays and dedicated to Malay issues" led to the birth of Utusan Melayu in 1939. Yusuf personally galvanised the Malay community in raising funds for Utusan Melayu - going round the kampungs and speaking to every individual, persuading each to take a share of $10. In all, he raised $13,000. Between 1939 and 1959, the Utusan Melayu became his clarion call for freedom:
"He sought freedom in all its respects. He freed the Malay rakyat from a feudal tradition, which held them in bondage and ignorance. He fought against colonial rule, which made the white man superior and the native inferior. He fought to uplift the Malays, to bring them out of poverty and backwardness, and into the modern world. And he fought against racial prejudice, stereotype and suspicion, seeing them as the greatest threats to the survival of a multiracial society."
As President of a fledging nation, Yusuf Ishak was a class of his own, setting the benchmark for future presidents of Singapore. As before, his life mission became the nation's mission. He was committed to bring honour and prestige to Singapore on an international arena, to uplift and inspire his people and more significantly, to instil in Singaporeans that "survival of (the) nation rests on the ability of all races and religions to live in mutual respect and tolerance." He was the embodiment of everything that was Singaporean.
During his last term in office, President Yusuf Ishak was often ill. Yet it did not deter him from reaching out to his people - against medical advice, he continued making his presence felt at functions and weekly constituency walk-abouts. On Monday 23rd November 1970, President Yusuf Ishak died of heart failure. Masses came to pay their last respects to the man who had become loved and respected by all communities. President Ishak had spent his life in the fight for freedom.
Ban Ki-Moon lahir 13 Juni 1944, Beliau adalah Pemimpin Sekretaris-Jenderal Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa kedelapan, setelah menggantikan Kofi Annan pada tahun 2007. Sebelum menjadi Sekretaris Jenderal PBB, Ban adalah seorang diplomat di Korea Selatan di Departemen Luar Negeri dan berkarier di Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Dia memasuki pelayanan diplomatik pada tahun ia lulus dari universitas, menerima tugas pertama di New Delhi, India.Pada 13 Oktober 2006, Ban ki-moon terpilih menjadi Sekretaris Jenderal kedelapan oleh Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa. Pada tanggal 1 Januari 2007, ia melanjutkan kesuksesan Annan, dan memimpin beberapa reformasi utama pemeliharaan perdamaian. Beberapa bentuk Diplomasi yang dilakukan beliau adalah, Ban meberikan pandangan kuat mengenai Darfur, dimana ia berdiplomasi dengan Presiden Sudan Omar al-Bashir untuk mengizinkan pasukan penjaga perdamaian untuk masuk ke Sudan; Permasalahan pemanasan global, menekan permasalahan tersebut dengan mantan Presiden Amerika Serikat George W. Bush.
Masa Kecil dan pendidikan
Ban ki-moon lahir di Eumseong di sebuah desa pertanian kecil di Chungcheong Utara, pada tahun 1944. Keluarganya pindah ke kota terdekat Chungju, di mana ia dibesarkan. Ban semasa kanak-kanak, ayahnya memiliki bisnis pergudang, tetapi pergudang bangkrut dan keluarga kehilangan penghasilan utamanya untuk melanjutkan kehidupan yang berkecukupan. Ketika Ban berusia enam tahun, keluarganya melarikan diri ke sebuah gunung terpencil selama Perang Korea. Setelah perang berakhir, keluarganya kembali ke Chungju.
Di sekolah menengah (Chungju High School), Ban ki-moon menjadi bintang kelas, terutama dalam studi bahasa Inggris. Menurut cerita setempat, Ban setiap hari berjalan 6 mil (9.7 km) ke pabrik pupuk untuk berlatih bahasa Inggris dengan penasehat pabrik yang berasal dari Amerika. Pada tahun 1952, ia dipilih oleh sekolah untuk menulias pesan kepada Sekretaris Jenderal PBB Dag Hammarskjöld, tetapi beliau tidak pernah tahu apakah pesan yang pernah dikirim sampai atau tidak. Pada tahun 1962, Ban memenangkan kontes esai yang disponsori oleh Palang Merah dan mendapat pendidikan ke Amerika Serikat di mana ia tinggal di San Francisco dengan keluarga angkat selama beberapa bulan. Sebagai bagian dari pendidikan, Ban bertemu dengan Presiden Amerika Serikat John F . Kennedy. Ketika seorang jurnalis bertanya pada Ban, apa yang ia inginkan ketika ia tumbuh dewasa, ia berkata, "Aku ingin menjadi seorang diplomat."
Ban ki-moon menerima B.A. dalam Hubungan Internasional dari Universitas Nasional Seoul pada tahun 1970, dan meraih gelar Master of Public Administration dari John F. Kennedy School of Government di Harvard University pada tahun 1985. Di Harvard, dia belajar di oleh Joseph Nye. Ban dianugerahi gelar Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa) oleh University of Malta di 22 April 2009. Dia lebih jauh menerima gelar kehormatan Doctor of Laws dari University of Washington pada Oktober 2009. Selain beliau bisa bahasa korea, Ban bisa bicara dalam bahasa Inggris, Perancis, Jerman, dan Jepang.
Pada Februari 2006, Ban ki-moon menyatakan pencalonannya untuk menggantikan Kofi Annan sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal PBB pada akhir 2006. Meskipun Ban adalah orang pertama yang mengumumkan pencalonannya, ia awalnya tidak dianggap sebagau lawan yang serius.
Selama periode di mana jajak pendapat ini terjadi, Ban membuat pidato utama Asia Society dan Dewan Hubungan Luar Negeri di New York. Untuk dapat dikonfirmasi, Ban tidak hanya membutuhkan untuk memenangkan dukungan dari masyarakat diplomatik , tetapi juga untuk dapat menghindari hak veto dari salah satu dari lima anggota tetap Dewan: People's Republic of China, Perancis, Rusia, Kerajaan Inggris, dan Amerika Serikat. Ban sangat populer di Washington karena telah mendorong untuk mengirim pasukan Korea Selatan ke Irak. Namun, Ban juga menentang beberapa posisi US: ia menyatakan dukungan untuk Pengadilan Kriminal Internasional dan mendukung sepenuhnya pendekatan non-konfrontatif untuk berurusan dengan Korea Utara. Ban mengatakan selama kampanye bahwa ia ingin mengunjungi Korea Utara secara pribadi dan bertemu dengan Kim Jong-il secara langsung. Ban dipandang sebagai kontras dari Kofi Annan, yang dianggap sebagai karismatik, namun dianggap sebagai manajer yang lemah karena masalah seputar PBB minyak-untuk-program makanan di Irak.
Ban ki-moon juga berjuang untuk memenangkan persetujuan dari Perancis. Biografi resminya menyatakan bahwa ia berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dan Perancis, dua bahasa kerja dari Sekretariat PBB. Dia telah berulang kali berusaha untuk menjawab pertanyaan dalam bahasa Perancis dari wartawan. Ban mengakui keterbatasan berulang kali di perancis, tetapi diplomat Perancis meyakinkan bahwa ia ditujukan untuk melanjutkan studi.
Pada akhir jajak pendapat informal pada 2 Oktober, Ban ki-moon menerima baik empat belas suara dan satu abstain dari lima belas anggota Dewan Keamanan.. Setelah pemungutan suara, Shashi Tharoor, yang selesai kedua, menarik pencalonannya dan Cina Perwakilan Tetap untuk PBB mengatakan kepada wartawan bahwa "itu cukup jelas dari polling hari ini bahwa Menteri Ban Ki-moon adalah calon Dewan Keamanan akan merekomendasikan kepada Majelis Umum."
Pada tanggal 9 Oktober, Dewan Keamanan secara resmi memilih Ban sebagai calon. Dalam suara publik, ia didukung oleh semua 15 anggota dewan. Pada 13 Oktober, 192 anggota Majelis Umum mengangkat Ban sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal.
Ban Ki-moon bertemu Yoo Soon-Taek pada tahun 1962 ketika semasa SMA. Ban berusia 18 tahun, dan Yoo Soon-Taek adalah ketua persatuan pelajar SMA. Ban Ki-moon menikah Yoo Soon-Taek pada tahun 1971. Mereka memiliki tiga anak dewasa: dua anak perempuan dan seorang putra. Putri sulungnya, Seon-yong (lahir 1972), bekerja untuk Yayasan Korea di Seoul. Putranya, Woo-hyun (lahir 1974) menerima gelar MBA dari Anderson School of Management di Universitas California, Los Angeles dan bekerja untuk sebuah perusahaan investasi di New York. Putri bungsunya, Hyun-hee (lahir 1976), adalah petugas lapangan untuk UNICEF di Nairobi, Kenya. Setelah terpilih sebagai Sekretaris Jenderal, Ban menjadi ikon di kota kelahirannya, dimana keluarga masih tinggal. Lebih dari 50.000 berkumpul di sebuah stadion sepak bola di Chungju untuk perayaan hasil pemungutan.
Referensi :
- http://info-biografi.blogspot.com/2010/03/biografi-ban-ki-moon-pemimpin-pbb.html
- www.kolom-biografi.blogspot.com
Knut Fredrik Idestam, born 28.10.1838 Tyrväntö, died 8.4.1916 Helsinki. Parents: Gustaf Idman (later Idestam when adpoted by his uncle), mining official, and Anna Sofia Trapp. Wife: 1865 - 1916 Maria Rosina Krook, died 1925, wife's parents: Major-General Carl August Krook and Hilda Holm. Children: Gertrud (Fogelholm), born 1865, her husband: Gustaf Fogelholm, managing director of Nokia; Elna Maria, born 1867; Karin Sofia, born 1869; Walborg, born 1870; Ingrid Elisabeth, born 1872; Martha Johanna, born 1875. Fredrik Idestam imported wood-pulping technology from Germany, building Finland's first commercially successful groundwood pulp mill and later chemical pulp and paper mills.
The industrial plants which he founded gradually developed into today's Nokia Group. In Idestam's view, the common good of the paper industry required a cessation of export competition. He was a key figure in the establishment of paper producers' associations.
Fredrik Idestam's training was in Mining, in which he held a Master's degree; and, following in his father's footsteps, he planned a career as a civil servant in the Board of Mines of the Grand Duchy of Finland. In 1863 - 64, on a Finnish Senate (government) scholarship, Idestam undertook further studies in basic metals in Germany at the School of Mines (Bergakademie) in Freiberg, Saxony. While there, he was appointed as a mining engineer at the Finnish Board of Mines. But as early as the summer of 1864 his career plans changed. On his way through the Harz Mountains on his return trip from Freiberg, he visited a groundwood mill. This was a new invention: a factory which produced raw materal for paper from wood. The process and equipment had been developed by the paper manufacturer Heinrich Voelter. The plant that Idestam saw had already reached the stage where it was capable of commercial production.
The demand for paper was increasing rapidly in the industrialising world - in Europe and North America. But production could not grow, because there was a shortage of the rags used as raw material and there was no way of increasing the supply. Idestam believed that Voelter's solution to the raw-material problem was the correct one. He realised the importance of this innovation for Finland. There was an unlimited supply of raw material in Finland's forests, and amidst the woods were rapids and waterfalls that could provide power for mills. As soon as he returned to Finland he ordered machines designed by Voelter from Germany, and he was granted an operating permit by the Senate on 12 May 1865, the date which today's Nokia group of companies regards as its foundation day. The mill began production beside the lower falls of the Tammerkoski Rapids in Tampere early in 1866.
Idestam was not the first in his field in Finland. The pharmacist Achates Thuneberg had established a groundwood mill near Viipuri in 1860. Thuneberg's plant had been developed in Viipuri - apparently independently of Voelter - and had been built in Finland. But Thuneberg was not successful: his mill was not as good as Voelter's, and the small-scale venture soon petered out. In contrast, Idestam was successful and attracted competitors.
Like Voelter in Germany, Idestam had to market his product energetically. Wood pulp was cheaper than rag pulp, but paper manufacturers and consumers regarded it as an inferior substitute - as 'wood rag'. From the Frenckell (rag)paper mill in Tampere, Idestam ordered paper whose fibres consisted of equal parts of rag and his pulp. In December 1866 the Tampereen Sanomat became the first newspaper in Finland to be printed on paper containing wood. The Helsingfors Dagblad in Helsinki soon followed suit. Idestam exhibited his groundwood at the 1867 Paris Exhibition and was awarded a Bronze Medal. This was the decisive breakthrough, as Idestam himself stated later. Voelter's mill received a Gold Medal at the same exhibition. It was only at this point that the world realised the importance of Voelter's process and equipment, and they began to come into more general use.
Idestam's first competitor in Finland was the Tampere pharmacist Gustaf Adolf Serlachius, who had become familiar with the field as the manager of Idestam's mill, Idestam himself being prevented from running it because of his official post. Serlachius founded a mill at Mänttä in 1868. Tampere lost yet another pharmacist to the paper industry when Edvard Julius Granberg established a groundwood mill and paper mill at Valkeakoski in 1871. In 1868 Idestam built a second mill at Nokia, fifteen kilometres west of Tampere.
A number of groundwood mills were established in Finland in the early 1870s. Finland had been some twenty years behind Sweden and Norway in the sawmill industry, but the wood-pulp industry began at the same time and developed at the same pace in all three Nordic countries. From the early 1870s to the beginning of the First World War, the share of the chemical forest industry in Finland's total exports rose from zero to 20 percent, and at the same time the value of Finland's total exports increased tenfold.
Idestam transformed his firm into a share company in 1871. With his close friend Leo Mechelin, statesman and Finland's most prominent public figure in the late 19th century, he founded Nokia Ltd and transferred all activities to Nokia, where a new mill was built. Idestam's mills and Nokia Manor and its interest in the Nokia Rapids, which had been acquired by Mechelin, were transferred to the new company. Idestam owned well over half the shares in the firm. He resigned from the Board of Mines and his position there as Master of the Mint and devoted himself entirely to managing Nokia Ltd. Mechelin gave him important support by attracting capital investments and funding.
The development of Nokia Ltd proceeded well. Idestam was a cautious business manager, and his financial planning allowed for future bad times. Although Nokia's investments in expanding its production and increasing the degree of processing were large, Idestam, unlike many other pioneers of Finnish industry, coped with the crises that arose, and in the early 1880s three paper machines were built at Nokia, as well as Finland's first sulphite pulp mill in 1885. The first sulphate pulp mill had already been established earlier at Valkeakoski - in 1880. Chemical wood-pulp now replaced cloth-pulp as a raw material for almost all paper qualities. By the late 1880s Nokia was processing all of its groundwood and chemical wood-pulp into paper.
On Idestam's initiative and under his leadership, the paper-industry magnates founded their producers' organisations: a cardboard association in 1874, a pulp association in 1875 and a paper association in 1892. These were cartels used by the Finns to divide up their most important marketing area, the Russian market, and to eliminate mutual competition. Idestam was the general manager and chairman of the Paper Association until 1903. He retired from the management of Nokia in 1896. He was succeeded as general manager by his son-in-law Gustaf Fogelholm and as chairman of the board by Leo Mechelin.
Source :
- http://www.kansallisbiografia.fi/english/?id=4296
Kumpulan Biografi Tokoh Terkenal dan Tokoh Indonesia Lengkap www.kolom-biografi.blogspot.com
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- Fithrul Umra
- mangaapo yoooo .... ehnakdereh ..... nakdo mbo hawea rooh...